Senin, 28 Februari 2011

My experience learning english

English is interesting to me from the first when starting to like the first with the first western song is still popular with the group boyband weslife. From there I began to like English. The first English song I sing is a song called "My Love", whether I was correct in pronunciation or not. Since I previously did not know what the English language that, when I went up to grade 5 elementary school I started to get English lessons. However, when the class begins the first lesson I had to follow him because he was sick.
And at no english lessons again, finally I can follow it too. At the moment I entered I was asked by my teacher "what is your name?" But I do not know what to answer, then my friend told bench answer "my name is Yonas." Luckily, his teacher was not fierce, he taught us all with patience. Then after the chapter on the "greeting" or a greeting, then went to work, kinship, letters, and many others. English lessons that I can really exciting for me to learn because the class atmosphere was so comfortable with adequate facilities and accompanied by good-hearted teacher, started when I began to like and very interested in English. And by the time I get in on the levels of tuition, I decided to learn more english neighbor with choosing majors FKIP english
Method for teaching english language is lecture methods, method discussion, method demonstration, method of experiment, cooperative learning method. And then I will be explain weakness and advantages from all method.
First is lecture method :

Lecture method is a method of teaching by giving verbal run private information and knowledge to a number of learner who generally passively.
Some weakness of the lecture method :

A.Creating a passive learner
B.Contain elements of coercion to learner
C.Containing learner critical power
D.learner who are more responsive than the vision loss

Some the advantages lecture method :

A.easy to master class teacher
B.Teachers esaily explain large amounts of learning material.
C.Can be follwed by learner in large numbers
D.Easy to implement.

Second method discussion :

Method discussion a method of teaching that is closely releted to solving problem.
The weakness of the method discussion :

A.Can not be used in large group
B.Participants receive discussion limited information
C.Can be controlled by people who love talk
D.Usually people want a more formal approach

The advantages of the discussion method :

A.become the learner brave in front of friend or general
B.Learner have a love talk.
C.Learner can drill this material from different source

Third demonstration method.

Demonstration method is a method of teaching by way of demons trating things,evevts,rules,and the sequence perform an activity,either directly or through the use of taeching media that are relevant to the subject or content being presented.
Weakness of demonstration method :

A.Learner are sometime diffucult to see clearly
B.Not all objects can be demonstrated
C.Diffucult to understand when demonstrated by taechers who lack control
D.It takes Quite all

Advantages of demontration method :

A.Helping the laerner understand clearly the course of a process
B.Facility various kinds of explanations
C.Attention learner can focus
D.Can help the learner remember the material longer in convey

Fourth method of experiment

Is method of giving learner opportunity to indiduals or groups.To be trained to do a process or experiment.
Weakness method of experiment :

A.Inadequate tools do not used to any learner the opportunity to conduct
B.This method is more appropriate to present the fields of science and technology

Advantages method experiment :

A.This method can make the learner confidence for the correctness or conclusions
B.learner are able to develop the attidue to conduct expoler learner

Fiveth cooperative learning .

According to Slavih learning cooperative learning conducted in groups .Learner consisting of 4 to 5 people to understand the concept facilitated by the taecher.
Weakness method cooperative learning :

A.One learner do the duty
B.One learner role of material

Advantages method cooperative learning :

A.Build good cooperative with other learner
B.More motivation and power finish the duty

I like method discussion and demonstration because both method can explore ability from all learner and teaching brave infront of lot of people.Anything else can gives motivation to learner for role of material from all source.method discussion and demonstration in my opinion is easy method for understanding.

Method discussion and demonstration can add other device for example ourdoors class or make game according this study

My experience learning english